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Results Sept 2nd, 2023


Auto City Speedway

Results Sept 2nd, 2023

Auto City Speedway Results 9/3/2023

Well, this past Saturday night was the “Back to School Bash Maximum Destruction” sponsored by Simms Chevrolet in Clio and we got to say, it was a fun filled evening of racing and destruction for all especially the 100 kids who received a free backpack filled with school supplies as they entered into the speedway.

As the gates opened with overcast skies, which did clear through the night and a stellar display of a sunset graced us all, it was time to start qualifying.

First up was the Herald Pure Stocks and it was points leader Nick Johnston in his blue & white #7 getting the top spot with a 16.11 around the quarter mile with Mike Moiser’s #22 following with a 16.43 who going into the night's event was only 9 points behind Johnston in the series.

The All-American Trucks were next to qualify, and it was Brian Dougherty in his black #22 getting fast time with a 17.39 and Dan Shamel in his #47 second with a 17.48.

The last division qualifying was the Red Apple Fireworks Front Wheel Drive (FWD) Warriors, and it was again, Jason Jones in his #11j getting fast time with a 16.63 and Troy Deuscher in his #83 getting second fast time with a 16.77.

Once invocation and the national anthem were completed, it was time for the racing action.

The Herald Pure Stocks were first up for their thirty-lap feature. It was Mark Martinez #34 and the #51 of John Puckett leading them to the green. After one lap was completed, Tim Kirby #81 had jumped to the lead bringing Bryan Thompson #66 and Nick Johnston #7 with him.

Kirby kept the lead and started to put some distance on the field as the others battled for position. But Johnston did have his ride dialed in as by lap seven, he had worked his way by Kirby for the lead. Also, in the pack following Johnston and Kirby was Mike Mosier who worked his way to third. Johnston now was the one who had gathered a good few cars length lead, but something started to go amiss with his #7 and Moiser did make it by Kirby to run down Johnston as by lap twenty, Mosier was on the back bumper of Johnston. About lap twenty-five, the two were side by side with Johnston trying to hold off Moiser, but to no avail. With three laps to go, Moiser got by Johnston for the lead and captured the win. Johnston, Thompson, Andrew Burton #05 and Kirby were the finishing top five.

The All-American Truck series was next for their thirty-lap feature, and it was the #95 of Cam Delong with the #224 of Jason Grissom bringing them around to the green. Delong did jump out to an early lead as Grissom, Anthony Richardson #422 and Zack Lopez #18 all battled behind him for second, even going three wide. By lap eight, it was Richardson who worked his way past Delong for the lead and in third was now the #47 of Dan Shamel. Within a few laps, Shamel did get by Delong for second and started to run down Richardson as they maneuvered through lapped traffic. Shamel did get to the back tailgate of Richardson as he was looking high and low trying to figure out how to get around him. Right about lap twenty-two, coming out of turn two, something went amiss on Richardson’s truck and with Shamel right there, he tagged the back of Richardson’s truck, but it was due to the issue Richardson was having, which in turn, gave the lead to Shamel and also the win. It was the third-generation driver, Dan Shamel’s first feature win at Auto City. Following Shamel was Cam Delong, fast qualifier Brian Dougherty, Walt Dalrymple Jr. #J21 and Grissom. Richardson did fade back to finish thirteenth.

The Red Apple Fireworks FWD Warriors were now set to do battle in their twenty-lap feature combining the “A” series and “B” series to race together.

It was the #70 of Charlie Boone and the #14 of Jeffery Asmus on the front row leading them to the green. When the green dropped, it was fast qualifier, Jason Jones #11j getting by the two and taking the lead. Asmus followed in second with Troy Deuscher #83 in third. Jones was opening up his lead until there was a yellow flag for the stalled out #10 of Cody Lurak. This created a restart putting Asmus next to Jones. When they went back to racing, about lap seven, Asmus started to develop an issue as you could hear his car was not running right. Jones opened up his lead now over Deuscher and Boone who was in third as Asmus faded to fifth where he would finish. When the checkered flew, it was Jones with yet another win in the “A” series padding his points lead. Deuscher and Boone followed. In the “B” series it was Rod Nettleton getting noted as the victor on the track, but once scoring was detailed, Nettleton was under his qualifying time three laps in a row taking the win away and deeming Brad Treichel #01 as the offical winner.

Now it was time for the destruction portion of the show, starting with the twelve lap Chain Gang race (two competitors chained together, one pulling the other). Seven teams started and from the start, it was a three-way battle between team #422-Richardson/Paul Rigda, team #948 Justin Pepitone/Gerald Persails Jr. and team #87 Maverick Morrow/Shane Fogerty. They all were battling hard, but when it was all said and done, they finished just the way noted above with Richardson/Rigda getting the win.

The ever popular and bit wild twenty lap I-75 race was next on the schedule. Thirty competitors took to the track for this race. Once the green waved, it was Anthony Richardson in his silver #422 taking the top spot early followed closely by Justin Pepitone #948, Shane Fogerty #87, Grissom in his #224 Crown Vic, Paul Rigda #43 and a host of others. As the ‘slowing and going’ continued through the laps, Richardson did hold on to get the win with a hard-fought battle with Pepitone who came home second, Rigda third, Grissom and Dalrymple Jr. respectfully.

The twelve lap Push race was next, and it was almost a duplicate of the Chain Gang race with Richardson/Rigda, Pepitone/Persails Jr. and Morrow/Fogerty. The battle was just as exciting, but this time when the checkered flew, it was the team of Gerald “Ironman” Persails Jr. and Justin Pepitone getting the victory.

The Auto City Figure 8’s was in action tonight for their fifteen lapper. It was Richardson leading them to the green in single file order with Andrew Burton right behind. The two tore off putting on the clinic as they usually do in this race with Richardson leading the way. Right at lap six, Richardson’s issues came back from earlier in the night and that gave Burton the opening he needed. When the checkered dropped, it was Burton, Richardson and Paul Rigda #43 getting third.

The ten lap Flagpole race was next and there were nineteen competitors taking to the course. With the two tires (makeshift flagpoles) located in turns two and four, it made for a fun and exciting race for the fans. The main battle up front was between Shane Fogerty #87 and Maverick Morrow #57. When all the ‘round about racing’ was completed, it was Maverick Morrow getting the win.

The fifty lap Enduro was now on tap with twenty-three drivers taking the challenge. Jason Grissom in his #224 took the early lead, but Maverick Morrow got his lil #57 wound up and got up to take the lead, but by lap nine, there was a new number at the top spot, that being of Ryan Cudd #11k (normally driven by Keegan Cudd). Once he was out front, he was the one to beat. There was a bit of a scare during the race which brought out a red flag, as second-generation driver, Andrew Durga’s #64 burst into flames engulfing the whole car as he went into turn one. It is unknown what actually let go, but it has been speculated as a blown motor.

Andrew did get the car to stop and most of the flames went out as he unbuckled from the drivers harness and undid the safety net to climb out on his own as the safety crew got to him, putting the rest of the flames out. All was good and again; it attributes all the safety equipment that is required to race in these events. As Durga ‘walked’ down the front stretch then into the grand-stand area, the crowd gave him a huge round of applause.

As the race went back to green, there was no catching Ryan Cudd as he went on to capture his first victory at Auto City Speedway.

The ten lap School Bus Figure 8 race was on the schedule next and with the seven buses ready to do battle, there were a few close calls, but Paul Rigda’s bus was not handling as well as he was all over the track. When the race was completed, it was J.D. James Clayton getting the win and on the last turn, Rigda went over the turn three embankment and ended up on with the bus slamming on its side. Rigda did emerge from the smoking bus to the crowd's approval and cheers.

The last race of the night was the Trailer Figure 8 race for ten laps as well. The battle started between Rigda and Presails Jr. going back and forth while side by side and trailers swinging behind them. On the almost first lap, the #72 of Chad Nowyorkas Jr. lost the axle to his trailer, but the frame stayed attached. So, sparks were flying the whole time as he made the laps. At one point about halfway, his trailer swung into a tractor tire near the intersection, and it ricocheted back to lodge underneath his rear tires creating even more sparks and noise. Well, it finally came to be his demise as he spun right after the start finish line facing oncoming competitors and bringing out a red flag with one lap to go. At this point, Paul Rigda was the leader with Persails Jr. in second. Once they got Nowyorkas Jr.’s truck out of harm’s way, the green was flown, and the race was back on. As Rigda circled and was going down the figure 8 straight-away, with only one more time to go through the intersection, his trailer came completely off and eliminated him from the race (you have to finish with your trailer attached). So that gave the unexpected lead and win to Gerald Presails Jr. driving the backup #96. Which just goes to show, it’s not over until the checkered flag flies.

The next racing action will be this Friday, September 8th for the Domino’s Fast Fridays with a complete race schedule.

Check out all the details on upcoming events at or the Auto City Speedway and Outdoor Events Facebook page and “We’ll See You at the City”.

Article Credit: Randy Adam

Submitted By: Sharon Fischer

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