Auto City Speedway

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Auto City Races are Friday & Saturday Nights-check schedule for times



Auto City Speedway


Auto City Speedway Results 7/13/19
Saturday night was a night full of racing and action especially with the I.C.A.R Main Event Outlaw Supers there for the "Ash Kicker 60". Being the day was a hot one, before qualifying, Mother Nature decided to give us a shower to keep the dust under control. Right after the rain, the winds picked up and the track dried relatively fast and only delayed qualifying for a short time.
The All American Truck Series was first to qualify and it was again that familiar black #067 truck of Josh Delong getting fast time with a 17.71.
In the Herald Pure Stock division it was Chad Lamson’s #888 getting the top spot with a 16.07.
When the Outlaw Supers hit the track for qualifying, it was Steve Needles #14 topping the field with a 14.584
The 8 lap Pure Stock heat races were first up and it was the #36 of Dave Marsh getting the win. In the second heat race, being her first time out this year to Auto City, it was Andrea Baxter’s #5 crossing the line first for the win.
The All American Trucks were next on the schedule and in the first heat, it was Josh Delong taking the checkered. In the second heat, it was Jacob Zervan in his #03 getting the victory.
After a brief intermission, it was time for the feature races starting with the Herald Pure Stocks 30 lapper. This race seemed to be more about survival than anything. The #81 of Tim Kirby jumped to an early lead but was black flagged for trailing smoke. As the drivers mixed it up and vied for position, it was The #54 of James Clayton leading the way, but with tough competition from Bruce Dunton Jr. #19, Michael Hayes #12, Dave Marsh #36 and the #888 of Chad Lamson and included in the mix was Andrea Baxter who ended up getting a cut tire and had to head to the pits to change it out. Then it was the #07 of Lincoln Dunkerson breaking an axle coming out of turn four and had to be towed off. Once the green flag dropped, the battle was J.T. James Clayton #54 and Dave Marsh who got side by side, with consequently Marsh cutting down a tire and Clayton’s back bumper was knocked half off. A yellow was thrown and Marsh did get the tire changed out and Clayton got his bumper back on. As the green flag flew again, it was Lamson chasing down Hayes to battle for the lead and getting it. When the checkered flew, it was Lamson, Hayes and Dunton Jr. respectively.
The Outlaw Supers “Ash Kicker 60” was now on tap and with a very stout field, it was some awesome racing. It also was a full invert for the field putting Needles at the back of the pack. The #8 of Phil Bozell was leading the way for the most part as the laps clicked off, but after a caution, Steve Needles #14 and Jason Felver #11 got were now in position to give Bozell a challenge. Needles worked on Bozell to finally make the pass and when the 60 laps were completed, it was Needles, Bozell, Felver followed by Scott Pemberton #P51 and the #1R of Tod Rosebrugh for the top five.
The All American Trucks 30 lap feature was now on tap and Jacob Zerval #03 got out front with Greg Long III #21 following. By lap 6 the #067 truck was making his presence known. As the laps counted down, Zervan and Delong battled hard side by side, but Zervan’s truck was black flagged as he had sparks coming from under the right rear. That turned the lead over to Delong and he never looked back. The finishing order was Delong, Greg Long III in his best finish yet in an All American Truck, the #18 of Zack Lopez with his best finish in a feature, the #43 of Paul Rigda III and in the fifth spot, Danny Smith #06.
So the stage was set now for the Auto City Figure 8’s 15 lap race and it was Josh Delong getting the early lead in his Max D #067 over Brad Reseigh’s #7. As Delong was trying to lose the pack, Zack Ford’s #14 had stopped at the X to let traffic clear and Delong had a bit of too much momentum and tried to avoid Ford, but caught his right rear tailgate, which wrecked Delongs chances for a win. As his truck came to rest in turn 2, the red flag was thrown to get him out of harm’s way. Once they were back to racing, it was the #888 of Chad Lamson getting yet another win in his Silver Bullet. Lamson was followed by Jeff West in the #3W and Brad Reseigh.
This weekend is an off weekend for racing, but we will be back at it with a SUPER MAX D show starting on Friday night July 26th with the second part on Saturday July 27th. Make sure to stop by the Love, Peace, Hippie Fest this weekend here at Auto City, its going to be a blast! Family friendly!
Check out all the details on upcoming events at and “We’ll See You at the City”.
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